Friday, October 27, 2006

i sooo missed my blog anniversary - last saturday the 21st of october this blog has been a rocking for one year! so in honor - leave me a comment and i will draw two winners for a RAK from me and a grand prize winner a layout done by me for you and a RAK. leave me a note!
live - laugh - and love!
le anne


Rhonda said... are so funny. I don't need a gift to post...but if you're going to offer! Ha! Ha! JK. I miss you and I hope we get to crop together soon...or go hang out...or have a girl's night at Starbucks!

StephF said...

ok - no need to offer a gift....just glad you blogged again! I miss getting my daily LeAnne fix!

Monica said...

I also your blogging!! I do want a LeAnne original though!!

Monica said...

Ok, that was supposed to say that I also *missed* your blogging!

Courtney said...

Hey babe...congrats on the year. Time flies these days. Sydney was 6 months old yesterday....I cant believe it. Love ya

Julie said...

Happy Anniversary Le Le! Woohooo!!!!!!!! Now get back to your regular blogging okay??? I miss reading about ya.

Heather said...

Yeah... what everyone else said! Where's the update on the expo? What fun things did you find? How were your classes???

I need to send you photos!!!

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